Technology based solutions on complex engineering problems.

Our name comes from our main service area; Hydraulics, Environmental and Coastal. Our main goal is to analyze fluids and the mechanisms they affect with our expert consultants and founding partners, and to reach the desired solutions in an economical, safe and environmentally friendly way when necessary.

Executives & Team

Fatih Yorgun


Civil Engineer

Ph.D. Nagmeh Heidari

Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineer

Istanbul Technical University

Mehmet Erbisim


Coastal Engineer

Ferhat Yalçın

Civill Engineer

Efe Ciltaş

Hydraulics Engineer

Mahabat Akyol

Architect / Designer

Istanbul Zaim University

Scientific Advisory Board

Prof.Dr.Sevket Cokgor

Istanbul Technical University Hydraulics and Coastal Engineering Division

Prof.Dr. Oral Yagcı

Istanbul Technical University Hydraulics and Coastal Engineering Division

Prof.Dr. Guclu Insel

Istanbul Technical University Environment Engineering Biotech and Cleaner Tech

Prof.Dr. Bihrat Onoz

Istanbul Technical University Hydraulics and Coastal Engineering Division

Prof.Dr.Melike Gurel

Istanbul Technical University Water Quality & Enviromental Engineering

Assoc. Prof. Ahsen Yüksek

Istanbul University Department of Physical Oceanography and Marine Biology

Assis.Prof.Dr. Murat Aksel

Head of Reaserch-Alanya University Hydraulics and Coastal Engineering

Our Partners

A Culture of Creativity Starts With Beeing Equal

At the HEC Engineering, diversity, equity, and inclusion are at the core of who we are. We know that having varied perspectives helps generate better ideas to solve the complex problems of a changing world.