Our Services

We partner with you to solve complex challenges in natural and built environments

Full Service

We bring you a technical expertise and practical solutions through our consolidated approach to dam and levee safety, water resources, civil engineering, and natural resources.

Dam Design Services

We provide guidelines for;

-Building Design Suitable For The Region
-Measurement and Research on the Field
-Numerical Modelling
-Construction Management
-Flood Analysis

Emergency Action Planning and Inundation Mapping

We provide guidelines for;

-DSS-Wise Modeling
-HEC-RAS Modeling
-EAP Orientation and Table-Top Exercises


We provide guidelines for;

-Preliminary Resource Assessments
-Feasibility Studies
-Facility Condition Assessments
-Turbine Selection
-Potential Failure Mode Analyses
-Dam Safety Surveillance and Monitoring Plans & Reports
-Fish Passage Design

Dam Removal & Stream Restoration

We provide guidelines for;

-Sediment Transport Analysis
-Sediment Management Plans
-Fluvial Geomorphology

Our Stats

Our approach is to constantly challenge conventional thinking and relentlessly push for smarter, faster and more efficient ways to deliver while always working with integrity to ensure we uphold high ethical standards on every project.